Privacy Policy

The MySOLEM platform is designed to allow you to remotely program and control your devices. This policy indicates the type of data collected as well as the use (processing, sharing, accessibility) made.

By subscribing to the SOLEM offer, the user agrees to the collection of his personal data.

Our policy applies to all brands, products and services of SOLEM that do not have a separate privacy policy or are related to this policy.

What types of information do we collect?

Depending on the Services you use, we collect different types of information about you or from you.

Your personal information

We collect the content you provide when you use our services:

  • Account creation
  • Management of remote modules

Your consumption

We collect your sensor data for you to view and receive threshold alert notifications.

How do we use this information?

Connected platform

We use the information from your programmers to offer you an intelligent connected irrigation service according to your preferences.

Promote security

We strive to protect your account through our engineering teams, automated systems, and sophisticated technologies such as encryption. We can also offer simple tools that can further secure your account.

SOLEM is committed to ensuring the security and confidentiality of personal data.

Is this information shared?

No sharing to third parties

The data collected is part of SOLEM's global connected irrigation solution. They are exploited only in this context and are not disseminated to third parties.

People with access to information about you

Many people can share information about their programmers. For example, an irrigation installer can share the management of your programmers to simplify their management. The information provided during the creation of the account remains completely independent and confidential.

Data Storage Policy

Recovered data is stored on SOLEM servers. User accounts and personal data are valid for an indefinite period.

How to address your questions to SOLEM?

If you have any questions about this policy, here's how to contact us:

The data controller in charge of your information is SOLEM group, which you can contact online or by mail at:

SOLEM Électronique
Z.A.E. La Plaine
5 rue Georges Besse